User Sessions

Explanation of every metric in the User Sessions section.

  • Mean Session Length: The average length of a user session.
  • P25/P50/P75 Session Length: The 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile of session lengths. For example, if the P50 Session Length is 10 minutes, 50% of sessions are 10 minutes or less. The 50th percentile is also known as the median.
  • Session Count Distribution Chart: A bar chart showing the distribution of sessions by server.
  • Session Length Distribution Chart: A bar chart showing the distribution of session lengths by server.

Session Count vs. Session Length

When comparing the two charts, if you notice that some servers have higher session counts than others but lower session lengths, this is an indicator that those servers have lower player retention. It can be useful to compare the two servers with retention in mind to figure out how to maximize retention on all of your servers.